We are simply trying to hold space for
people interested in group relations work.
We serve as a home for people who have experienced the power of group relations work, particularly in combination with spirituality and social justice. We want to nurture the GR network by offering a place to co-create as individuals and/or organizations. We are open to collaboration around group relations conferences and application events, writing, reflecting and meeting. We offer to stay connected with “the work” in various ways. We pay attention to where the energy takes us.
The programs we offer at this moment are listed in the activities section. As we are growing in numbers, we are beginning to create local (and virtual) communities that people may join to nurture “the work.”
Our Blog is a space for GRI Co-Creators and others to share their stories of how the intersection of group relations, social justice, and spirituality, affectionately referred to as “the work”, helps them make meaning in their lives and how it impacts them and others.
Each post is as unique as each individual's experience and identities. Together we co-create a blog to make a wealth of experience available to a wider audience.
Please contact our blog curator Amber Williams for submissions
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