We are simply trying to hold space for
people interested in group relations work.
We serve as a home for people who have experienced the power of group relations work, particularly in combination with spirituality and social justice. We want to nurture the GR network by offering a place to co-create as individuals and/or organizations. We are open to collaboration around group relations conferences and application events, writing, reflecting and meeting. We offer to stay connected with “the work” in various ways. We pay attention to where the energy takes us.
The programs we offer at this moment are listed in the activities section. As we are growing in numbers, we are beginning to create local (and virtual) communities that people may join to nurture “the work.”

Silent Retreat
March 17-23, 2025
Bolinas, California, USA
GRI is hosting the Silent Retreat in Bolinas once again. If you feel drawn to spending several days in silence, you are welcome to join us. Silence is a wonderful way to come to stillness. Silence helps to slow down. Through silence we become more aware and we start noticing our environment and our life in a different way. Silence dusts the mirror of our soul and helps to grow closer to our essence.
We will spend five days in silence, starting Monday evening (March 17) after supper and ending Sunday morning (March 23), with a sharing on Saturday evening. External silence, the absence of words and a quiet environment, helps to come closer to an internal silence, one where the racing thoughts slow down and we can really listen to ourselves and be in touch with our environment in different ways. We will try to leave behind what distracts us from internal silence and we will engage what helps foster stillness. Generally speaking, this may mean that we leave behind books, computers, music and phones and we engage in walks, reflection and meditation. Of course, our individual journeys vary in what helps and hinders our silence.
For many of us it is not easy to be silent and to become still. Paradoxically, practicing silence in groups is easier than doing this alone. Therefore, we will form a silent community by being in the same house and sharing our meals together. In addition, a couple of times a day there will be an opportunity to spend 30 minutes as a group in silence in the same space, for those who wish. The rest of the journey is an individual one.
When we enter into silence, we enter a bit into the Unknown. We do not know what will happen, the journey will likely be with ups and downs. If at any time during the retreat you will be helped by a brief conversation to enter or re-enter the space of internal silence, René Molenkamp is available on an as needed basis.
Commonweal is a wonderful location to do a silent retreat. It is in Northern California, about 90 minutes from either San Francisco or Oakland’s airports. It is located on a 60-acre site at the edge of the Pacific Ocean in the Point Reyes National Seashore.
As a group of maximum twelve, we have Pacific House to ourselves. It has twelve private bedrooms and five shared bathrooms. There is a fully equipped kitchen. People eat breakfast and lunch on their own. The evening meal is taken together, voluntarily prepared by one of us. More details to follow as the retreat draws closer.
I am really looking forward to the retreat and to meeting the silent community we will create together. Below you will find some additional practical information. Reservations on a first come first serve basis. Feel free to forward this link to people whom you think may be interested.
Warm regards,
Practical information:
The cost of the retreat is $1,200. The fee includes accommodations in an amazing environment and simple meals. We will send you an invoice by Paypal. You are welcome to pay in installments. To reserve a space, please click the above button. We will send you an invoice for the full amount. A $200 non-refundable deposit is due upon receipt. Remaining funds are expected by March 1st, 2025. Finances should not be an impediment to attend the retreat.
Arrival is Monday, March 17 between 5:00 and 6:00 pm. Departure is Sunday, March 23 in the morning. There is no program on Sunday morning and you can leave as early as you wish.
Location address: Commonweal, 451 Mesa Road, Bolinas, CA 92924.
Commonweal asks all their guests to provide proof of a Covid vaccine or a negative Covid test. More details will be provided as we get closer.
We could probably coordinate transportation from and to SF airport for a shared fee. The please plan to arrive at the airport between 2:00 and 4:00 pm. Let me know if this would be helpful to you.
The weather in Bolinas is unpredictable, often windy and rainy. Bring layers and warm clothes.
Website Commonweal: www.commonweal.org
For questions, please contact Journeé at admin@grouprelations.org or René Molenkamp at rene@grouprelations.org, or by phone at 1-619-519-0463.