We are simply trying to hold space for
people interested in group relations work.
We serve as a home for people who have experienced the power of group relations work, particularly in combination with spirituality and social justice. We want to nurture the GR network by offering a place to co-create as individuals and/or organizations. We are open to collaboration around group relations conferences and application events, writing, reflecting and meeting. We offer to stay connected with “the work” in various ways. We pay attention to where the energy takes us.
The programs we offer at this moment are listed in the activities section. As we are growing in numbers, we are beginning to create local (and virtual) communities that people may join to nurture “the work.”
Group Relations International and
the New York Center present:
A lecture series with Dr. Sarah Rosenbaum, AKRI Fellow, GRI Co-Creator, and Clinical Psychologist
Four Mondays
November 7, 14, 21, and 28, 2022
Time: 4:00 - 6:30 pm Eastern Time
New Dates
In each session Dr. Rosenbaum will discuss and expand on fundamentals of group relations theory, based on assigned readings from foundational texts in GR theory and practice. Some brief experiential exercises and other media may be used to illustrate concepts.
Topics to be covered in this series will include:
Boundaries, Authority, Role and Task (BART)
Bion's Basic Assumptions
The nature of the unconscious
Projection, splitting and scapegoating
The meaning of "Group-as-a-Whole"
Who should attend: anyone who has attended at least one GR conference or equivalent experience is welcome.
This series may be particularly useful for those sho:
have not had teaching on GR theory in school or professional training
do not have a backgrouond in psychology or a related fiefld
wish to deepen their understanding of fundamentals of GR theory
Limited to 20 participants to ensure ample opportunity for interaction and discussion.
$400 for general admission
$375 for AKRI members
$350 for NYC members/GRI Co-Creators
Please consider paying at the highest rate that you can afford. Your generosity supports our delivery of a sustainable event in service of equity and opportunity.