We are simply trying to hold space for
people interested in group relations work.
We serve as a home for people who have experienced the power of group relations work, particularly in combination with spirituality and social justice. We want to nurture the GR network by offering a place to co-create as individuals and/or organizations. We are open to collaboration around group relations conferences and application events, writing, reflecting and meeting. We offer to stay connected with “the work” in various ways. We pay attention to where the energy takes us.
The programs we offer at this moment are listed in the activities section. As we are growing in numbers, we are beginning to create local (and virtual) communities that people may join to nurture “the work.”

Spiritual Path
Five Thursdays:
June 11, 18, 25 and July 2 and 9
7:00 am Pacific Time
10:00 am Eastern Time
3:00 pm London Time
4:00 pm Central European Time

Six people of diverse spiritual backgrounds ​and René Molenkamp as facilitator meet five times by videoconference to explore, discuss and deepen their understanding of their personal spiritual paths, and learn how their personal journey is similar and different from others. This series is offered in collaboration with the Sacred Inclusion Network.
The goal of the webinar series is to gain a deeper understanding of your own spiritual path and explore how your individual journey has been impacted by your life experience. You’ll also examine the degree to which your current understanding and experience of spirituality has been impacted by your religious or organizational affiliations, learn how these affiliations impact your current worldview, and explore – by learning from others -- how your spiritual practice might possibly be enhanced. At the conclusion of the Exploration, you’ll understand yourself better and gain a profounder understanding of the multiple realities that define collective spiritual experience.
The five sessions are structured around the following questions: Who are you? How did you get started on your spiritual path? What is important in your spiritual practice? Who, if any, have been the role models or guides who have been important in your journey? To what degree is your path connected to a religious tradition or other community? What are your hopes and fears as you continue on your spiritual journey?
Participants must apply by email to be accepted into the program. You can apply by sending us an email at rene@grouprelations.org by simply telling us why this program appeals to you and telling us a little about yourself. Attendance is strictly limited to six participants. There is no cost for this series, but donations are welcome.
Five Thursdays, Five Thursdays: June 11, 18, 25 and July 2 and 9, at 7:00 am Pacific Time, 10:00 am Eastern Time, 3:00 pm London Time and 4:00 pm Central European Time. Please reserve one hour and a half for every meeting and only apply if you can make all five meetings. Technical requirements: a working computer and headphone/microphone set.
René Molenkamp is co-founder of Group Relations International and the Sacred Inclusion Network. He is a former Jesuit priest and a current shamanic healing energy practitioner. He also works as an international leadership and group dynamics consultant.